Original Research Article I Volume 5 I Issue 4 I 2017
Study of combination of ascorbic acid and N-acetylcysteine in prevention of contrast induced nephropathy in patients with moderate renal insufficiency
Amin Roshdi Soliman; Rabab Mahmoud Ahmed; Ahmed Abdalla; Mahmoud Soliman
Biolife; 2017, 5(4), pp 527-534
Introduction and aims: Despite fluid administration is the most effective strategy in contrast induced nephropathy (CIN) prevention, still the estimated prevalence of CIN up to 50% in high-risk patients. There is still a great debate as regarding the administration of antioxidants in reduction of CIN incidence. This study aims to determine whether addition of ascorbic acid to IV acetylcysteine could reduce CIN prevalence in patients with moderate chronic kidney disease.
Ascorbic acid; N-Acetylcysteine; Contrast Nephropathy; Moderate CKD
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Article Dates:
Received: 3 October 2017; Accepted: 23 November2017; Published: 4 December 2017
How To Cite:
Amin Roshdi Soliman, Rabab Mahmoud Ahmed, Ahmed Abdalla, & Mahmoud Soliman. (2022). Study of combination of ascorbic acid and N-acetylcysteine in prevention of contrast induced nephropathy in patients with moderate renal insufficiency. Biolife, 5(4), 527–534. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7393076Amin Roshdi Soliman, Rabab Mahmoud Ahmed, Ahmed Abdalla, & Mahmoud Soliman. (2022). Study of combination of ascorbic acid and N-acetylcysteine in prevention of contrast induced nephropathy in patients with moderate renal insufficiency. Biolife, 5(4), 527–534. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7393076